Tuesday 7 March 2017

'Make it' March

Hello. I thought I would give you a look at my planned list for March. I will have to keep onto it as there are some major things to do. A week has gone by and there is some progress on a few items. There are spots set up for work in the bedroom chair, dining room table and in my favourite corner.

This week I got out into my vegi patch and planted some seedlings. This lettuce will be red and green. Will look nice on the plate.

We are always using spring onions and zucchini, so I planted some. The garden should be flourishing in a few weeks. I am also having a go at mini cauliflower. The white moths are flying about so I have to keep an eye on the young plants.

Tomorrow is cleaning day and today has been Tidy Tuesday. I started at one end of the home and now have to tuck into my corner. It is really untidy and has been for a while. Wonder if anyone will notice when they call in later today?

Short and sweet  ... Dot 

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