Tuesday 31 January 2017

End of Month


Can you believe that the first month of the year is nearly over? Most schools are back and in a few weeks things will be rolling smoothly, I hope. Our home has been filled with different aromas from the trial and error of making new recipes to suit our 'Low-carb eating plan'.

Here a few more that we enjoyed enough to make again.

Camembert Pie. You make the Cranberry Jam with chia seeds and everything is encased and baked in a pastry. It was very tasty. When I make it next though I will leave it a few minutes before breaking into it, as the cheese was still too runny. I was just curious. 

This quiche fed us for a few meals accompanied with different sides. The base is made with a head of broccoli. Very nice.

These are Cheesy Vegi Patties. Hubby loved these on their own but I found I preferred them with a salad. They had lots of flavour so were delicious. 

And in the craft department I am making a pile of wash cloths for 'new bub'. I am using organic cotton and putting a loop on one corner. They are about 10cm square. Cute.

On the eve of Australia Day our town put on a wonderful display of fireworks.

Until next month, keep smiling ... Dot 

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