Wednesday 29 May 2019

End of Month

Well, there are only 2 days left in this month and 2 days till Autumn has come to an end, then we enter the quarter of winter. The weather has turned cooler and we find we have the heater on earlier and longer in our day.

How did my month go? For my 'retail presence' I managed to knit a few hats in different colours and crocheted several cowels. Not only did I make 1 black Apple Cosy but 2 as well as a purple one and a mustard one. I also made an assortment of Sympathy Cards. 

On the personal side of things, I broke a circular needle while working on a project. It causes a bit of anxiety until you have safely picked up all the stitches on a smaller needle until the broken one is fixed. And then it broke again, so I went through the process twice. Oh dear!

I made a Mini bag holder and now my spare bags are all in one spot. I have also been keeping at knitting a sweater for a family birthday coming up. 

For over a week now I have been rising much earlier than usual and I have found myself getting hungry after a few hours. I found a couple of Low Carb porridge recipes to try and I loved the first one I made so I have been repeating that recipe on every other day.

The recipe make 2 serves and so I have one hot out of the pot and save the other for the next day. Here is the recipe.

In a pot: 2 Tb almond flour, 2 Tb flax meal, 2 Tb protein powder, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup cream, pinch salt and sweetener. Stir with whisk to blend well and then cook until thick using a spatula. Serve with blueberries.

So while hubby just loves his toasted granola with yoghurt and couli, I am happy with my hot porridge. Not a skerrick is left in the bowls.

Most days recently have been blessed with showers and so to get a 'nature walk' in I wait for a gap in the radar reading and off I go. Yesterday that gap did not come until about 5pmish. Lovely evening walk and I got my 10,000 steps done. 

Are here are the ducks. Bums in the air, and they don't care! They certainly delight me.

Keep at it ...Dot :-)

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